see fit

  • 41fit — fit1 [fit] vt. fitted or fit, fitting [ME fitten < ? or akin ? to ON fitja, to knit, tie ends of thread, akin to OHG fizza, skein of thread, ult. < IE * pedyo , fetter, lit., of the foot < base * ped , FOOT] 1. to be suitable or adapted… …

    English World dictionary

  • 42fit — Ⅰ. fit [1] ► ADJECTIVE (fitter, fittest) 1) of a suitable quality, standard, or type to meet the required purpose. 2) in good health, especially through regular physical exercise. 3) (fit to do) informal on the point of doing. 4) …

    English terms dictionary

  • 43Fit for Life — is a diet and lifestyle, stemming from the principles in Natural Hygiene, promoted by the American writers Harvey Diamond and Marilyn Diamond. As the title of the 1985 book suggests, Fit for Life claims that one can lose excess body weight and… …


  • 44fit somebody in — ˌfit sb/sthˈin | ˌfit sb/sth ˈin/ˈinto sth derived 1. to find time to see sb or to do sth • I ll try and fit you in after lunch. • I had to fit ten appointments into one morning. 2. to find or have enough space for sb/sth in a place • We can t… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 45fit something in — ˌfit sb/sthˈin | ˌfit sb/sth ˈin/ˈinto sth derived 1. to find time to see sb or to do sth • I ll try and fit you in after lunch. • I had to fit ten appointments into one morning. 2. to find or have enough space for sb/sth in a place • We can t… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 46fit somebody in something — ˌfit sb/sthˈin | ˌfit sb/sth ˈin/ˈinto sth derived 1. to find time to see sb or to do sth • I ll try and fit you in after lunch. • I had to fit ten appointments into one morning. 2. to find or have enough space for sb/sth in a place • We can t… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 47fit something in something — ˌfit sb/sthˈin | ˌfit sb/sth ˈin/ˈinto sth derived 1. to find time to see sb or to do sth • I ll try and fit you in after lunch. • I had to fit ten appointments into one morning. 2. to find or have enough space for sb/sth in a place • We can t… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 48fit somebody into something — ˌfit sb/sthˈin | ˌfit sb/sth ˈin/ˈinto sth derived 1. to find time to see sb or to do sth • I ll try and fit you in after lunch. • I had to fit ten appointments into one morning. 2. to find or have enough space for sb/sth in a place • We can t… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 49fit something into something — ˌfit sb/sthˈin | ˌfit sb/sth ˈin/ˈinto sth derived 1. to find time to see sb or to do sth • I ll try and fit you in after lunch. • I had to fit ten appointments into one morning. 2. to find or have enough space for sb/sth in a place • We can t… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 50see (or think) fit — consider it correct or acceptable. → fit …

    English new terms dictionary