perplex confound

  • 121nonplus — 1. noun A state of perplexity or bewilderment. altering Vaudemont, to Vallemontanus, and metamorphosing them, by suting them to the Græcian or Latin tongue, we know not what to make of them, and are often at a non plus. 2. verb to perplex or… …


  • 122bewilder — index confound, discompose, disorganize, disorient, disturb, embarrass, misguide, muddle, obfuscate …

    Law dictionary

  • 123disorganize — I verb abolish the organization of, agitate, bedevil, befog, befuddle, bewilder, bother, clutter, come to pieces, complicate, confound, contendere, confuse, daze, deactivate, decompose, deform, demobilize, deprive of organization, derange,… …

    Law dictionary

  • 124disorient — I verb abash, baffle, befuddle, bewilder, confound, dement, derange, disarrange, discompose, disconcert, dislocate, dislodge, disorder, disorganize, distract, disturb, fluster, impair, invert, make havoc, misdirect, mislay, mislead, misplace,… …

    Law dictionary

  • 125entangle — index bait (lure), bicker, bilk, collide (clash), confound, confuse (create disorder) …

    Law dictionary

  • 126involve — I (implicate) verb accuse, ally, associate, blame, brand, bring accusation, bring charges, cast a slur on, charge, connect, consociate, continere, criminate, delate, denounce, draw in, entangle, incriminate, inculpate, interconnect, interrelate,… …

    Law dictionary

  • 127mystify — index confound, confuse (bewilder), delude, disorient, elude, equivocate, hoodwink, obfuscate …

    Law dictionary

  • 128nonplus — index confound, confuse (bewilder), confusion (ambiguity), discompose, disorient, disturb, embarrass …

    Law dictionary