come in sight

  • 121A Change Is Gonna Come (The West Wing) — Infobox Television episode Title = A Change Is Gonna Come Series = The West Wing Caption = Season = 6 Episode = 117 Airdate = December 1,2004 Production = 2T5007 Writer = John Sacret Young Josh Singer (teleplay) John Sacret Young (story) Director …


  • 122Peep sight — Peep Peep, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Peeped}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Peeping}.] [Of imitative origin; cf. OE. pipen, F. piper, p[ e]pier, L. pipire, pipare, pipiare, D. & G. piepen. Senses 2 and 3 perhaps come from a transfer of sense from the sound which… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 123Outta Sight, Outta Mind — (2004) est le 2e album du groupe de rock néo zélandais The Datsuns produit par l ex Led Zeppelin John Paul Jones. 2 singles en ont été extraits en LP : Blacken my thumb et Girls Best Friend . Tracklist Toutes les chansons par The Datsuns.… …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 124heave in sight — ► heave in sight (or into view) Nautical come into view. Main Entry: ↑heave …

    English terms dictionary

  • 125to come — Synonyms and related words: about to be, advancing, already in sight, approaching, approximate, approximative, at hand, attracted to, billed, booked, brewing, close, close at hand, coming, desired, destinal, destined, determined, drawn to,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 126Visibility — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Visibility >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 visibility visibility perceptibility Sgm: N 1 conspicuousness conspicuousness distinctness &c. >Adj. Sgm: N 1 conspicuity conspicuity conspicuousness Sgm: N 1 appearance ap …

    English dictionary for students

  • 127appear — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. i. seem (See appearance); materialize, come into view; be published, hit the stands; testify. See arrival, publication, lawsuit. II (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To come into sight or being] Syn. emerge, arise …

    English dictionary for students

  • 128show — Synonyms and related words: Grand Guignol, Passion play, Prospero, Tom show, accompany, accord, account for, acting, advertise, affect, affectation, affectedness, afford, afford proof of, air, airiness, airs, airs and graces, alibi, allege,… …

    Moby Thesaurus