Two pipes

  • 31pandean pipes — Syrinx Syr inx, n.; pl. {Syringes}. [NL., from Gr. ? a pipe.] 1. (Mus.) A wind instrument made of reeds tied together; called also {pandean pipes}. [1913 Webster] 2. (Anat.) The lower larynx in birds. [1913 Webster] Note: In birds there are two… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 32Pipe organ — This article is about organs that produce sound by driving wind through pipes. For an overview of related instruments, see Organ (music). The pipe organ in Saint Germain l Auxerrois, Paris[1] The pipe organ is a musical instrument …


  • 33Organ (music) — Organ 1741 Pipe organ in Église Saint Thomas, Strasbourg, France. Classification Keyboard instrument (Aerophone) Playing r …


  • 34Nuclear weapon design — The first nuclear weapons, though large, cumbersome and inefficient, provided the basic design building blocks of all future weapons. Here the Gadget device is prepared for the first nuclear test: Trinity. Nuclear weapon designs are physical,… …


  • 35Pipeline (Unix) — In Unix like computer operating systems, a pipeline is the original software pipeline : a set of processes chained by their standard streams, so that the output of each process ( stdout ) feeds directly as input ( stdin ) of the next one. Each… …


  • 36Heat exchanger — An interchangeable plate heat exchanger Tubular heat exchan …


  • 37Piping and plumbing fittings — Fittings are used in pipe and plumbing systems to connect straight pipe or tubing sections, to adapt to different sizes or shapes, and to regulate fluid flow, for example. Fittings, especially noncommon types, can be expensive, and require time,… …


  • 38Ejection seat — In aircraft, an ejection seat is a system designed to rescue the pilot or other crew of an aircraft (usually military) in an emergency. In most designs, the seat is propelled out of the aircraft by an explosive charge or rocket motor, carrying… …


  • 39Bell Rocket Belt — The Bell Rocket Belt is a low power rocket propulsion device that allows an individual to safely travel or leap over small distances. It is a type of rocket pack.OverviewIn the early 1960s, Bell Aerosystems built a rocket pack which it called the …


  • 40Gudastviri — Other names გუდასტვირი Classification Bagpiping Related instruments Bock (Czech) Cimpoi (Romanian) Duda (Hungarian/Polish) Koza (Polish) Diple (Dalm …
