Smooth or glaze

  • 91spread — v 1.Often spread out stretch, extend, enlarge, widen, broaden, augment, aggrandize, amplify; stretch out, draw out, lengthen, elongate, protract, prolongate, drag out; expand, dilate, distend, swell, bloat; grow, develop, increase, advance,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 92varnish — n 1. lacquer, glaze, veneer, enamel, japan, stain, shellac; transparent coating, facing, protective layer, wash; mastic, rosin, colophony, resin, lac; gloss, shine, polish, luster. 2. facade, front, camouflage, mask, disguise; pretense,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 93wash — v 1. clean, clean up, bathe, Brit. Inf. tub, lave, cleanse, wash up, scrub up, Chiefly Scot. dight; deterge, launder, do the laundry; shampoo, lather, soap; scrub, brush, swab, mop; soak, shower, douse, rinse, flush, sponge, douche; absterge,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 94gloss — [n1] shine, sheen appearance, brightness, brilliance, burnish, facade, finish, front, glaze, gleam, glint, glossiness, luster, polish, shimmer, silkiness, sleekness, slickness, surface, varnish, veneer; concepts 611,620 Ant. dullness gloss [n2]… …

    New thesaurus

  • 95ледяная корка — — [] EN glaze A coating of ice, generally clear and smooth but usually containing some air pockets, formed on exposed objects by the freezing of a film of supercooled water deposited… …

    Справочник технического переводчика

  • 96Food — For other uses, see Food (disambiguation). Part of a series on …


  • 97Glass — This article is about the material. For other uses, see Glass (disambiguation). Moldavite, a natural glass formed by meteorite impact, from Besednice, Bohemia …


  • 98Venus — This article is about the planet. For other uses, see Venus (disambiguation). Venus   …


  • 99Filipino hip hop — can be divided into two main categories: hip hop as performed and followed in the Philippines, and hip hop performed and followed by people of Filipino descent overseas, mostly among Filipino Americans in the United States.At present, there are… …


  • 100Hollandaise sauce — served over white asparagus and potatoes Hollandaise sauce (   …
