1When Red is Black , Qiu Xiaolong (2007)
When Inspector Chen Cao agrees to do a translation job for a Triad-connected businessman he is given a laptop, a'little secretary'to provide for his every need, medical care for his mother. There… 764 руб2Objective Proficiency. Teacher's Book , Capel Annette (2013)
Objective Proficiency Second edition provides official preparation for the revised 2013 Cambridge English: Proficiency exam, also known as Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE). The Teacher's… 1702 руб3Objective Key. Teacher's Book with Teacher's Resources (+ CD-ROM) , Capel Annette (2013)
Objective Key offers students complete, official preparation for the Cambridge English: Key (KET) and Cambridge English: Key (KET) for Schools Test. This is a revised and updated edition of Objective… 1398 руб4Foundation's Triumph , Brin David (2000)
Isaac Asimov's Foundation Trilogy is one of the highwater marks of science fiction. The monumental story of a Galactic Empire in decline and a secret society of scientists who seek to shorten the… 656 руб5Objective First: B2: Teacher's Book with Teacher's Resources (+ CD-ROM) , Annette Capel, Wendy Sharp (2013)
OBJECTIVE FIRST is an updated and revised edition of the Objective FCE course, which prepares students for Cambridge English: First, also known as First Certificate in English (FCE). The TEACHER'S… 1809 руб6Objective Key: Teacher's Book with Teacher's Resources (+ CD-ROM) , Annette Capel, Wendy Sharp (2013)
Objective Key offers students complete, official preparation for the Cambridge English: Key (KET) exam. This is a revised and updated edition of Objective KET. Short units offer a variety of lively… 1399 руб7Venous Ulcers (2007)
One of the only books discussing new advances in venous ulcer therapy, Venous Ulcers provides a comprehensive look at the molecular biology and pathophysiology of venous ulcers. It discusses the many… 3057 руб8Objective Proficiency Teacher&# 039;s Book , Аннет Капель,Венди Шарп (2013)
От издателя:Objective Proficiency Second edition provides official preparation for the revised 2013 Cambridge English: Proficiency exam, also known as Certificate of Proficiency in English… 465 грн (только Украина)9Foundation`s Triumph , Brin David (2000)
Isaac Asimov`s Foundation Trilogy is one of the highwater marks of science fiction. The monumental story of a Galactic Empire in decline and a secret society of scientists who seek to shorten the… 785 грн (только Украина)10When Red is Black , Qiu Xiaolong (2007)
When Inspector Chen Cao agrees to do a translation job for a Triad-connected businessman he is given a laptop, a`little secretary`to provide for his every need, medical care for his mother. There… 917 грн (только Украина)