- idol
- idle, idyll
American English homophones. 2014.
American English homophones. 2014.
Idol — Idol … Deutsch Wörterbuch
idol — idol; idol·a·ter; idol·a·tress; idol·a·tric; idol·a·trize; idol·a·trous; idol·a·try; idol·ism; idol·ist; idol·i·za·tion; idol·ize; idol·a·triz·er; idol·a·trous·ly; idol·a·trous·ness; idol·iz·er; … English syllables
Idol — (von lateinisch idolum ‚Abgott‘, entlehnt im 18. Jahrhundert, das auf griechisch eídolon ‚Gestalt‘, ‚Bild‘, ‚Götzenbild‘ zurückgeht) steht für: Abgott, das Abbild eines Gottes Idolatrie, Form der Bilderverehrung göttlicher Wesen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
idol — ÍDOL, idoli, s.m. Divinitate păgână; (concr.) chip, figură, statuie reprezentând o asemenea divinitate şi constituind, în religiile politeiste, obiecte de cult religios. ♦ fig. Fiinţă sau lucru care reprezintă obiectul unui cult sau al unei mari… … Dicționar Român
Idol — Sn vergöttertes Vorbild erw. stil. (18. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. īdōlum, īdōlon Schattenbild eines Abgeschiedenen, das Bild in der Seele, das Götzenbild , dieses aus gr. eídōlon, zu gr. ídeĩn erkennen, erblicken , ursprünglich Aorist zu… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
idol — ìdōl m <G idóla> DEFINICIJA 1. rel. a. slika, kip ili lik koji simbolizira višu silu ili više biće i sam postaje predmet obožavanja, onaj kojemu se iskazuje božanska čast b. krivo ili lažno božanstvo; kumir 2. a. pren. osoba pretjeranog,… … Hrvatski jezični portal
Idol — I dol, n. [OE. idole, F. idole, L. idolum, fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? that which is seen, the form, shape, figure, fr. ? to see. See {Wit}, and cf. {Eidolon}.] 1. An image or representation of anything. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Do her adore with sacred… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
idol — [īd′ l] n. [ME idole < OFr < L idolum, an image, form, specter, apparition (in LL(Ec), idol) < Gr eidōlon, an image, phantom (in LGr(Ec), idol) < eidos, form: see OID] 1. an image of a god, used as an object or instrument of worship 2 … English World dictionary
ìdōl — m 〈G idóla〉 1. {{001f}}rel. a. {{001f}}slika, kip ili lik koji simbolizira višu silu ili više biće i sam postaje predmet obožavanja; onaj kojemu se iskazuje božanska čast b. {{001f}}krivo ili lažno božanstvo; kumir 2. {{001f}}a. {{001f}}pren.… … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
idol — (n.) mid 13c., image of a deity as an object of (pagan) worship, from O.Fr. idole idol, graven image, pagan god, from L.L. idolum image (mental or physical), form, used in Church Latin for false god, from Gk. eidolon appearance, reflection in… … Etymology dictionary
idol-? — *idol ? germ.?, Substantiv: nhd. Götzenbild; ne. idol; Interferenz: Lehnwort lat. īdōlum; Etymologie: s. īdōlum, Neutrum, Bild; gr. εἴδωλον ( … Germanisches Wörterbuch