- dual
- duel
American English homophones. 2014.
American English homophones. 2014.
dual — dual … Dictionnaire des rimes
dual — dual, duale [ dɥal; dyal ] adj. • 1948; du bas lat. dualis « deux » 1 ♦ Log., math. Se dit de propriétés qui sont par deux et qui présentent un caractère de réciprocité. Équation, expression duale, qui se déduit d une équation ou d une expression … Encyclopédie Universelle
Dual — may refer to: Dual (mathematics), a notion of paired concepts that mirror one another Dual (category theory), a formalization of mathematical duality . . . see more cases in Category:Duality theories Dual (grammatical number), a… … Wikipedia
dual — Fowler (1926) described dual and (with better reason) dualistic as ‘words of the learned kind’, and warned against using them when alternatives such as double, two, and twofold were available. The danger was illusory, however, and dual causes no… … Modern English usage
Dual — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Dual puede referirse a: Dual, en lingüística, forma del número gramatical diferente del singular y del plural. Dual, en matemáticas, espacio que refleja de una manera abstracta la relación entre los vectores fila… … Wikipedia Español
dual — DUÁL, duale, s.n. Număr gramatical care indică în unele limbi două obiecte ori fiinţe alcătuind de obicei o pereche. [pr.: du al] – Din fr. duel, lat. dualis. Trimis de ana zecheru, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 duál s. n., pl. duále Trimis de… … Dicționar Român
Dual S — Le Dual S est un récepteur/décodeur de programmes télévisés, radios et services multimédias exploité par certaines chaînes à péage (notamment les bouquets Canal+/Canalsat) et adapté à la télédiffusion numérique en Haute Définition via satellite.… … Wikipédia en Français
dual — UK US /ˈdjuːəl/ adjective [before noun] ► having two parts, features, etc.: »In June, he bowed to shareholder pressure and split his dual role as chief executive and chairman. »With more families requiring dual incomes, people have less time to… … Financial and business terms
dual — [do͞o′əl, dyo͞o′əl] adj. [L dualis < duo, TWO] 1. of two 2. having or composed of two parts or kinds, like or unlike; double; twofold [a dual nature] n. Linguis. 1. DUAL NUMBER 2. a word having d … English World dictionary
Dual — Du al, a. [L. dualis, fr. duo two. See {Two}.] Expressing, or consisting of, the number two; belonging to two; as, the dual number of nouns, etc., in Greek. [1913 Webster] Here you have one half of our dual truth. Tyndall. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
DuAL — Семантика: Предметно ориентированный язык программирования Появился в: 2004 Автор(ы): Тимченко Максим Типизация данных: динамическая Испытал влияние … Википедия