- calk
- caulk
American English homophones. 2014.
American English homophones. 2014.
Calk — (k[add]k), v. i. 1. To furnish with calks, to prevent slipping on ice; as, to calk the shoes of a horse or an ox. [1913 Webster] 2. To wound with a calk; as when a horse injures a leg or a foot with a calk on one of the other feet. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Calk — (k[add]k), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Calked}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Calking}.] [Either corrupted fr. F. calfater (cf. Pg. calafetar, Sp. calafetear), fr. Ar. qalafa to fill up crevices with the fibers of palm tree or moss; or fr. OE. cauken to tred,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Calk — (k[a^]lk), v. t. [E.calquer to trace, It. caicare to trace, to trample, fr. L. calcare to trample, fr. calx heel. Cf. {Calcarate}.] To copy, as a drawing, by rubbing the back of it with red or black chalk, and then passing a blunt style or needle … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Calk — (k[add]k), n. [Cf. AS. calc shoe, hoof, L. calx, calcis, heel, calcar, spur.] 1. A sharp pointed piece of iron or steel projecting downward on the shoe of a horse or an ox, to prevent the animal from slipping; called also {calker}, {calkin}.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
calk — calk1 [kôk] vt. CAULK calker n. calk2 [kôk] n. [< ? L calcar, spur: see CALCAR] 1. a part of a horseshoe that projects downward to prevent slipping ☆ 2. a metal plate with spurs, fastened to the sole of a shoe to prevent slipping … English World dictionary
calk|in — «K kihn», noun. a calk on a horseshoe. ╂[apparently ultimately < Latin calcāneum heel < calx, calcis heel] … Useful english dictionary
calk — [ko:k US ko:k] v an American spelling of ↑caulk … Dictionary of contemporary English
calk — [ kɔk ] an American spelling of caulk1 … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
calk — (esp. Brit. caulk) ► NOUN ▪ a waterproof filler and sealant, used in building work and repairs. ► VERB 1) seal with caulk. 2) make (a boat or its seams) watertight. ORIGIN from Latin calcare to tread … English terms dictionary
calk´er — calk1 «kk», transitive verb. = caulk. (Cf. ↑caulk) ╂[< Old North French cauquer tread, press in < Latin calcāre < calx, calcis heel] –calk´er, noun. calk2 «kk», noun, verb. –n. 1. a projecting piece on a horseshoe that catches in the… … Useful english dictionary
calk — Caulk Caulk, n. 1. See {Calk}. [1913 Webster] 2. a viscous semisolid material of varying composition used to fill in seams of objects which are exposed to water, such as wooden ships or bath tiles; called also {calk} and {caulking}. After… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English